Believing in a better way:
Sustainable agriculture
Select Organix Power-Trio is manufactured with mostly organic fruits, vegetables and berries that are farmed using sustainable practices. Currently we use about 2/3 certified organic produce.
Our organic produce is grown without the following substances or methods that are common in conventional agriculture:
Synthetic fertilizers
Genetically modified organisms (GMO)
For example, where the conventional farmer would spray synthetic chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth, our organic farmers would instead apply natural fertilizers such as manure or compost. Where conventional farmers would use insecticides for pest control, our organic farmers would promote beneficial insects, traps or birds. In comparison to conventional weed control by using herbicides, our organic farmers make use of crop rotation, hand-weeding and use mulch to contain weeds.
The potential health-risk of using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides cannot be underestimated. Many EPA approved pesticides were registered before research linked them to cancer and various other diseases. As of 2015, the EPA considers more than half of all fungicides and herbicides to potentially cause cancer.
Another major difference between conventional fruits, vegetables and berries and the organic counterparts is that they are free of genetically modified organisms (GMO). In today’s age where GMO labeling is not required, this becomes increasingly important for the consumer. In the US more than 90% of major crops like corn, soy and canola are planted using genetically modified seeds and it is consistently on the rise in conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. By using select organic seeds (including heirloom seeds) and transparent agricultural protocols we promote sustainability and thereby protecting not only today’s consumers but also future generations to come.

Select Organix™ Fruit Bomb
60 capsules per bottle
1 month supply
suitable for vegetarians
as low as $11.95 per bottle
More Info

Select Organix™ Veggie Boost
60 capsules per bottle
1 month supply
suitable for vegetarians
as low as $11.95 per bottle
Select Organix™ Berry Bliss
60 capsules per bottle
1 month supply
suitable for vegetarians
as low as $11.95 per bottle